This week’s deals:
Item Page Description Regular Price Sale Price
112081 152 Scallop Square punch $35.95 $23.37
109183 153 Trio Flower punch $35.95 $23.37
110711 153 Boho Blossoms punch $35.95 $23.37
114889 n/a* Scallop Oval punch $35.95 $23.37
Here's some links to projects using the punches that are on Sale.
Trio flower punch: Link 1,
The Boho Blossom punch: Link 2
The Square Scallop punch: Link 3
The Oval Scallop punch: Link 4
Deal #1: Starts Tuesday, 1 June 2010 (ends 8 June) - payment will need to be cleared by this date for me to process - so if you're interested, please order as soon as possible.
Deal #2: Starts Wednesday, 9 June 2010 (ends 15 June)
Deal #3: Starts Wednesday, 16 June 2010 (ends 22 June)
Deal #4: Starts Wednesday, 23 June 2010 (ends 30 June)
•Individual products will not be announced early. All Deals of the Week announcements will be made on the commencement dates above.
•There is no minimum purchase required to participate in this promotion.
•There is no limit to the number of Deals of the Week items, a customer may purchase.
•All Deals of the Week are current products and are featured in the 2009-2010 Idea Book and Catalogue.
Great idea to share your projects using these great punches Debbie. Hope you get lots of sales!