04 May, 2010

I'm tickled!!

Today I found out that I received two blog awards yesterday - the first was the Sunshine Award by my lovely and very talented upline Karen!  What a huge thrill!!  Thank you so much Karen I'm tickled!

Here are the 'rules' for the award.
1. Put the Sunshine Award on your blog and/or within your post.
2. Pass the award to other bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.

The hardest part, of course, is narrowing it down because there is an amazing amount of very talented ladies out there. I've just kept it to blogs down under, but even then there are so many more of you that inspire me and I thoroughly enjoy seeing what you've all created...I would like to nominate the following people who always inspire me, motivate me and make me smile:

1.  Sarah Gough
2.  Paula Dobson
3.  Anne Brignall 
4.  Tracey Old
5.  Ann Wills  

It's getting late and I need all the beauty sleep I can get, so I'll post details about the second award tomorrow. 


  1. Fantastic thank you Debbie. :-) If I could figure out how to add this to my blog, I would do so. I am thrilled though that you awarded it to me! Thank you so very much!!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really enjoy reading them. Regards, Debbie